The overall price level is within a controllable range and is expected to drop steadily. 整体的物价水平在控制的范围内,并预期稳步的下降。
One major task for macroeconomic regulation this year is to prevent the overall price level from rising rapidly. 防止价格总水平过快上涨,是今年宏观调控的重大任务。必须从增加有效供给和抑制不合理需求两方面采取有力措施。
We have the confidence, conditions and ability to stabilize the overall price level. 我们有信心、有条件、也有能力稳定总体物价水平。
If the price level rises, the future purchasing power of money over time will go down. 如果物价水平在上涨,那么在将来的一段时期内金钱的购买力就会下降。
Similarly, a decrease in the price level will increase the future purchasing power of money. 同样道理,如果物价水平在下降,那么金钱的购买力就会上涨。
Fisher noticed that, if the price level falls, the real value of debt will rise. 费雪指出,如果价格水平下降,债务的实际价值将上升。
The price level is the economic variable that monetary policy influences most strongly. 物价水平是受货币政策影响最明显的经济变量。
So, for China, what is the price on a "reasonable price level," then? 那么,对于中国来说,究竟什么才是房价上的“合理的价格水平”呢?
We wish to place an order at a good price level. 我方希望在一个好的价格水准上订货。
The book traced a causal relationship between the rate of monetary growth and the price level. 这本书细致地描绘了货币供应变化和通胀的水平因果关系。
This tradable index is easily adjustable, which means the domestic price level would be easily adjustable. 这个可以成交的指数容易调整,即是说物价的水平可以容易地调整。
I'm sure our offer is in line with the prevailing market price level. 我确信我们提出的价格符合市场价格水平。
The deflation we fear is a large slump in the price level and a permanent shift in price expectations. 我们担心的通缩是价格水平大幅下降,同时价格预期发生永久性转变。
Deflation is a decline in the general price level. 通货紧缩是一般价格水平下降的标志。
Constant high price level is a grim problem facing the government and residents of our country. 物价水平居高不下是我国政府和广大居民目前所面临的一个严峻问题。
The company promises: the same grade quality products, the price level than their peers by10%. 本公司答应:同样品位品质的产物,价格比偕行平10%。
The stock price index indicates the price level and its rising and falling of stock market. 股票价格指数表明股市的价格水平及其涨跌幅度。
In paper money system, price change has a "upward" tendency that leads to the rise of overall price level. 在纸币体系中,在相时价格调整过程中会出现“向上看齐”倾向,从而导致价格总水平上涨。
The sellers of products or factor services do succeed in driving up the average price level. 产品或各劳务要素的出售者抬高平均价格获得了成功。
Since then there have been signs of price level stabilisation in the north and the south. 从2008年到现在,欧元区北部和南部国家都已经出现了价格水平走稳的迹象。
They see the uptick in certain headline inflation rates as one-off adjustments to the price level, reflecting commodity price rises or import price rises rather than a self-reinforcing process of price rises feeding household and company inflation perceptions. 他们认为一些整体通胀数据的上扬是对价格水平的一次性调整,反映了大宗商品价格的上涨,或进口价格的上升,而不是一个会促成居民家庭和企业通胀感知的自我强化的价格上升过程。
Under humphrey-hawkins, the Fed must target the price level and employment. 在韩福瑞霍金斯法(humphrey-hawkins)规定下,美联储必须将价格水平和就业当作目标。
Conclusion The drug price level and percentages at each level are basically reasonable in the hospital. 结论该院药品价格层次及比例基本合理。
The Empirical Analysis on the Influence of China's Foreign Exchange Reserves on Price Level 中国外汇储备增长对物价水平影响的实证分析
In the real economy, prices changing constantly with price level inflates is a constant source of concern. 在现实的经济体制当中,随着物价上涨而不断变化的市场价格一直是人们关注的方面。
Price index is an another which reflects commodity price level in different periods or different regions. 价格指数是反映不同时期或不同地域商品价格水平的一种相对数。
Empirical Analysis of the International Market Impact on China's Price Level 国际市场对我国价格总水平影响的实证分析&基于货币和贸易传导路径
The question now is how the process of adjustment to the new price level will work. 现在的问题是,适应新价格水平的调整过程将如何进行。
Therefore, the rise of overall price level in a degree is an inevitable and recurring phenomenon. 由此说明,在纸币体系中,一定程度的价格总水平上涨是一种不可避免的经常出现的现象。
The national economy has kept steady increase and the overall price level continued to fall. 国民经济保持稳定增长,物价总水平继续回落。